Saturday, March 12, 2011

Have you Ever..?

So here's the sitch... It's my sister's birthday next week, and I've been completely blanking on what to get her (she's one of those people who never want anything). Finally the perfect idea came to me: a homemade purse! So a week passes and I still haven't gotten anywhere closer to even starting this purse.

Here I am, at midnight on a Friday night, telling myself that I actually have to get serious about making this present now. I picked out a fabric for the outside and the inside and I came up with a design that I could bead on the outside. All is good. I unfold the fabric I planned to use for the outside, a rich maroon fabric. After a few minutes I realize that there is really way too much fabric to "waste" on a purse. In fact, there is definitely enough fabric to make a dress. So I get the dress form (Jill) out of my closet and get my pins and start playing around. For an extra flair I even take the fabric I had been planning on using for the inside and wrap it around the dress for a sash that crosses at the back and reaches forward to create straps. I step back from my handiwork and realize that I can no longer use the fabrics I had chosen to make the present for my sister.

My plans for tomorrow involve me rummaging through my bags of fabrics and discarded thrift store clothes to attempt to find the new fabric for this purse. And then I actually need to do for serious.

And hey, who knows, I might even make a step by step blog entry about the creative process...maybe.